Blogging · Goals · Personal · Random · Thoughts

A long hiatus and new goals.

So, remember me?  It's been about 3 months since my last post, I am a total procrastinator.  Life gets in the way, same old excuse.  It is true though.  A lot has happened in the past year and I for one, cannot wait to see the back of 2017. The wanderer, however has now returned.… Continue reading A long hiatus and new goals.

Blogging · Goals · Personal · Random

September 1st to December 31st Goals

I know we have already started September, but I wanted to share my goals with you.  I want to do more personal posts on my blog, as at the moment the majority of my posts have been to do with beauty and I would quite like for you to know a bit more about me,… Continue reading September 1st to December 31st Goals